August 19, 2010

Jeremiah talks about the living water in his word. In Jeremiah 2:13 it says “My People have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” Jeremiah was quoting a declaration from the Lord, it says that He’s the spring of living water; the SOURCE. He also touches on the fact that they have dug their own cisterns; ones that cannot hold living water.
So think about that for a second; if our body is built by God, by Godly things, it will hold the spring of life, drowning out ungodly things, and causing shortage in electronics in our lives. So how do we draw close to God? How do we let God dig our cisterns? I think of the song, Garbage in by Tal & Acacia. You’ve heard the saying “Garbage in, garbage out?”. What you put in your life is what makes you up. If you have a bag and put sand in it, what does it consist of? Sand. If we put in Godly things what will we consist of? God!
You hear time and time again to read your Bible, and it’s true, we need to read our Bible. I remember when God told my Mom to put my sister and I back in public school; it was to be a light to our school, introduce Jesus. I went in ill-equipped; I didn’t read my Bible, you wouldn’t believe how easily I was conformed to the ways of this world. If you’re reading your Bible, and are confronted with temptations then you won’t fall. I personally struggled with cussing; I’d pick up on it because I was always around it, but if I was reading my Bible, I would not pick up on it, I would think of a bible verse; telling me to keep my mouth clean.
So how else can we let God build our cisterns? Praying, obviously helps.
In John chapter 7 verse 36 Jesus says: “...Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” If our entire being is built up of Godly things it’ll not only burst with living water- remember Jesus is the SOURCE of living water- but we will have fulfilled lives and we’ll remain steadfast.
Also, in 2 Peter 2:17 it says: These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.
Water is a source of living, right? It’s beneficial to humans to function properly, and when we get dehydrated we get sick and can even die, correct? If you have a water bottle, you’re thirsty and needing a drink, you go to drink and it’s empty. That isn’t so fulfilling. Like when Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman, he said that if we drink the living water then we will never go thirsty again. A spring never runs dry. It’s constantly producing water. Jesus will constantly produce living water for us. It’s just up to us, to let Jesus make our cisterns with the right stuff in order to fill them at the spring and take it with us on this journey called life. Don’t let the water run dry.
So, think of your spiritual lives in that way. Without living water (Jesus being the source) then our spirit will become dehydrated and die or become very weak. Our cistern needs to be made up of Godly things so that Jesus can flourish through it. Drowning out things of this world, and drowning the enemy because we all know, Satan can’t swim in living water.
The bible talks about how we won’t be satisfied with the things of this world, we always want the new gadget or the latest trend because what the world has to offer isn’t going to make us happy, ever! People know that, why do you think something new is always coming out. The cistern will always be half full, right? Think about this closely:
“With Jesus, it’s not that you don’t get enough it’s that you can’t get enough.” –Elora King J

So what I am encouraging is to let your cistern be flourishing with living water. Not things of this world. And as our cisterns become more and more moist, we won’t desire the things of this world because our cistern is already FULL. Jesus- the spring of life will wash out, He will flood out the things of this world.
Here’s another way to look at it: When we get in the shower, we clean ourselves with what? Water. We don’t go bathe in mud. Not only does water clean us, but it hydrates us. Likewise, spiritually the living water (Jesus) will not only hydrate and keep our spiritual bodies healthy, but it’ll wash it from the inside out.
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