Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Babies,

One of the biggest things in life that I long for, is to be a mother one day. My desire at the moment is to have a maximum of 3 kids; two boys and one girl. I pray, on a daily basis for a little boy first and I thought it would be a good idea to write letters to my future children:

Dear Future Child of Mine,
           I've wanted you for as long as I can remember; after having 4 siblings, I've realized babies, toddlers, kids, and preteens can be a major handful. But with all the chaos aside, I still want you more than anything. I cannot wait to feel the kick of your tiny foot inside of me, or be able to see your face in the ultrasound. Babies and children have always brought tears to my eyes and childbirth is one of my most favorite things. Pregnancy and everything it comes with has been so beautiful to me...
         I hope you know I will love you more than anything else in this world, I am going to try my best to lead you in a Godly way and teach you in the way Jesus would want you to be raised. Just so you know, Jesus knows who you are at this very moment, and I cannot wait to meet you. Heck, I can't wait to meet your daddy, but I know God has a man out there for me, a man to lead us in a spiritual way. To break family curses and allow God to bless our generations for the next years to come. I love you my Beautiful Baby Boy or Baby Girl. I think about you all the time and I'm anxious to meet you.
Sincerely, Elora

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