Let me just start out by saying that I would literally be dead if it wasn't for this amazing, unconditional thing that God offers us. It is through this thing called 'forgiveness' that we can be assured the eternal life waiting for the people who have accepted Jesus as their savior. I know how nice it is to just lift up what I've done wrong to the God of the universe and he gets rid of them. The Bible says in Psalm 103:12
"...as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us..."
Pretty cool huh? (:We have this incredible thing we can run to whenever we need it, and it is very nice (to say the least) for Jesus not to send us to hell the second we sin against him. If that were the case, we'd all be screwed wouldn't we?
Obviously! This is a basic Christian principle; God forgives us, Jesus died on the cross so we can be forgiven. This is children's church stuff, but I am digging deeper (as I often do). How do you forgive people?
Are you the type to hold a grudge?
Do you have zero forgiveness ability?
Well, think about my above paragraph. If Jesus will forgive us as many time as we need, countless times a day; then shouldn't we do the same for others? In Matthew we find:
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times..."
Matthew 18:21-22.
Matthew 18:21-22.
I encourage you to read the rest of that passage (verse 21-35) Jesus takes forgiveness very seriously, who wouldn't? Jesus died on the cross; the brutal torture thrust upon an innocent man for our sins forgives you no matter how many sins you commit.
Do you forgive others? Jesus seventy-seven times seven is the amount of times we need to forgive our brothers (brothers meaning everyone because we're all brothers and sisters in Christ).
I personally, learned about this in church and I am so glad I did. I learned to forgive people no matter what. A friend of mine needed to borrow $200, I lent it to him because I knew he was the kind of guy to pay his debts. Between the time I had done that, I heard this message. When he mentioned giving it back, I said "you don't have to pay me back, I am going to forgive your debt like Jesus forgave mine." I am not trying to brag, but I hope above all else that it was a witness to him. He did end up paying me back, but he did it because he wanted to, not because he felt he had to.
Another time, a friend asked to borrow $50 for a reason entirely different then he had told me. I was cheated, taken advantage of. I was angry with him at first, and hurt when he didn't care I said we weren't friends anymore. As time went by I realized how many times, I have taken advantage of Jesus' forgiveness of debt. Stepped on his blessings and turned my back on him after everything he had done for me. Though I don't talk to my friend anymore, I have forgiven him in my heart and I do feel the need to let him know but I have no way of talking to him.
A different time, my friend asked me to help him pay his child support or he'd go to jail. I helped him twice adding up what I had let him borrow to be $50. I knew in my heart of hearts he had no true intention of paying me back, but I lent him the money anyway. I forgave his debt even though he deceivingly still insisted. He didn't pay me back, in fact we don't even talk anymore; but I don't regret lending him money.
I thank Jesus for showing this to me, for I have lifted many burdens off my shoulders by forgiving people who didn't even ask for it. Grudges and reasons to be angry at people for hurting me have completely passed away. Even those who have done me wrong; I'd never in a million years turn them down if they asked me for help, or confided in me for any reason.
Jesus is the reason I forgive nonstop and unconditionally. Have you let him change your heart in a similar way?
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13
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