For God is working in you, giving you the desire and power to do what pleases Him.
Philippians 2:13 NLT
This verse means a lot to me because I was up for 30 seconds this morning before it appeared on my phone. I signed up for a daily Bible verse to be sent to my phone every day, a text and an e-mail. Having a smart phone helps me see both right when they are sent. Usually they are sent in the evening but today, it was sent this morning. This verse, was exactly what I needed, exactly! It was as if God was texting me. I knew this was happening, I had developed a new and stronger desire for His word; all I wanted to do last night was read it. I have been feeling nothing but the desire for Him to look down on me and smile, be proud of me, and know I am doing His will because I love Him. He really is great, and has given me everything I need RIGHT when I need it. Not when I think I need it, or when I want it. When He decides.
Thank you Lord, for this amazing verse on my phone. You put me in an amazing mood, and you showed me that you truly are working in me. No matter what I am going to deal with, I can be confident that you are working in me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
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