I have probably learned more in the last 6 months about life and myself than I have in my entire 18 years of existence and one of those things is realizing how much power I have to do anything and everything I want to do, this includes changing to make myself a better person. Normally I would say: "let's reflect on the past year..." but not this time, because I have chosen not to dwell on the past (also, I probably couldn't summarize it even if I tried).
For 2012: I am starting it without a boyfriend and I intend to finish it without a boyfriend. As I go into my second semester of college, my number one priority is God; anything and everything I do needs to be for Him, if it isn't, I shouldn't be doing it. That is my first goal! I want to get incredibly close to Him and I do not want to stop getting close to Him.
My second goal: Myself. I am not talking about 'making myself happy' or getting a boob job, nothing like that. I want to use this year to instill positive habits, both physically and mentally. I'm going to work my tail off trying to get straight A's with 13 credits, that alone will raise my self esteem mentally. I want to get my diet down, I am tired of my illness making my stomach bloat, making me break out, and getting me sick. I need self control and the will power to say no to things, because it doesn't just make my stomach hurt for a few hours, it takes DAYS to get it out of system and every time I eat something I am essentially allergic to, I put myself at greater risk of a disease that cannot be undone.
Next, I want to work on my body. People say to me "you have a perfect body" or tell me to shut up when I say I am out of shape. I am skinny because I am sick, not because I'm in shape. I want to feel good, a good that I have literally never felt and that means eating right and exercising, two things I've never kept consistent at the same time.
Finally, I want to improve my appearance. I am not superficial and I don't prioritize my personal appearance over spiritual, mental, and physical health. However, as a girl, I feel more confident when I like the way I dress and I have makeup on. It is just the way I am! One of my many aspirations in life is to be a model, not a professional because I don't want to make it a career, but I would like to look like a model, always! Call me whatever you'd like, but I know I feel comfortable in my own skin and I am more likely to be myself when I like how I look from my makeup to my shoes.
In addition to wanting to look like a model, I want to act like a role model. I want my actions to be admirable and ones that others want to follow.
In conclusion, I want to take this year to better myself. At first it is going to be difficult to kill the bad habits and start new ones, but once I get them down I know how amazing I am going to feel inside and out. Serving my Lord and presenting myself as such that is respected and admired, for no other reason than to motivate others to want to change themselves. To try, and be successful. Essentially it will make them happier than avoiding a new year's resolution all together.
Thanks For Reading :-)
Have a wonderful, blessed year!