I would be highly surprised if anyone took the time to read this, but since I don't feel the need to write a lot about myself on Facebook, Twitter, or even my own Blog 'about me', I thought I'd post about me! This blog is merely a chance to get to know me the way I really am, so please, forget anything you heard.
My full name is Elora Roanne King. My mother picked out my name as an 11 year-old and on November 23, 1993 she gave me the name! My middle name is Roanne because it was my great-grandmother's name and it is my mother's name. I have always had red hair and blue eyes, naturally but I have died my hair many times.
I have a rarely diagnosed digestive disorder abbreviated as CSID.
I was a weird looking kid with big teeth and funky hair cuts until I was about 12. I had braces for 22 months to fix my teeth, and I finally found a hair cut that worked. I had great skin until 2007 when my face began to break out in uncontrollable acne. I dealt with bullying and harassment because of it. My back arched and I had the lowest self esteem ever!
I have had many crushes on many boys, but I have only had 3 boyfriends, 1 of which was what most would call "serious".
When I was 13 and 15 I got moles removed on my back, I have scars.
On July 27, 2008 I was in a car accident resulting in cuts on my forehead and arm, whiplash, and a concussion. I have scars from that too (physical & spiritual).
Right now, I am going to college at North Idaho College. Studying and finding myself.
I am in the process of creating my modeling and photography portfolio. Two things that I am determined to make a paying hobby out of. When I am through at community college, I want to move to Seattle, Washington and attend Northwest University where I will finish my degree as a teacher and get in touch with a local church to begin as an Intern.
I love big cities, I love the rain. I am attracted also to beaches, hot suns, and swim suits. I love writing.
I am absolutely obsessed with shoes and I really enjoy wearing high heels; they make me feel confident. Not only are they something I love wearing, but I can guarantee I won't let it go unnoticed when I see a pair I love. Just come shopping with me if you wanna know what I mean!
I have found my reason to live and that is Jesus Christ. I have my faith and my beliefs, I choose to stand firmly in them as they define me. People who do not know me well see that I am a Christan and want to call me a "Jesus Freak", "Bible Thump-er", or my personal favorite: "Bible Humper". What everyone has wrong is I am not the type of person to shove my beliefs down your throat and I am not judge-mental, I also won't pressure you a million times to go to church with me. However, I'm going to ask you if you want to go, I am going to pray for you, and if you're having an issue with something or you want advice, you better bet I am going to tell you how Jesus can help because I know He can. Other than that, I hate that people assume that I am a weirdo Jesus loving, annoying, self righteous, annoying, Girl! I'm not and people who know me really well will say the same thing.
I am not perfect, it is sad that I have to state this, but since it is true, I have not done everything morally correct and I have definitely sinned against my heavenly Father. This a lot of times labels me as a "hypocrite" and yes, I have been a hypocrite before but that is none of your business. You know that phrase: "Only God can judge me"? Well, it applies here too. Whether you think or know I am a hypocrite is irrelevant, I do not answer to you.
When it comes to guys: I've had "friends" of mine tell guys that I am a freak! Like, the type of girl who will text guys all the time or bug the crap out of them. I'm here right now to tell you that I am not like that. I have enough self respect and common sense to understand when someone does, and does not want to talk to me. I pick up on hints.
I confess, I do not often text people first. In fact, it is very rare that I will text someone first because I want to know that people want to talk to me. I have a HUGE thing with not being where I am not wanted and that includes your inbox. If I want to talk to you, I'll text you and if the conversation fails then I'm done; you come to me next time, bro! And if they never text me, then they don't want to talk to me. I'm not a problem for them and that definitely isn't a problem for me.
Now, this one is a big issue: My Facial Expressions. SO many people have told me that when they first see me, I look like a "stuck up Bitch". I am not lying! Something about my straight face makes (as my friend, Amber put it) me look like I want to kill someone. I've even had strangers say they dislike me because I look stuck up or mean. I wish with all my heart that I could change this. It is sort of funny for me to see the way people's faces change when they talk or look at me and I smile or say something that isn't stuck up. It's like someone flips a switch in their head that says 'oh, maybe this girl is nice', so I'm warning you now: I look stuck up, but I'm not! I wish I knew this before, I would have learned to flaunt my smile "curve" a little sooner and more often.
All in all, I am a down to earth girl with a lot on my mind. I'm the kind who will get shaky and nervous, my heart will beat a million miles an hour, and I'll sweat if I think someone is mad at me. I'm the type of girl who will get goose bumps and cry when I see a total stranger crying, I get teary eyed watching Extreme Makeover: HOME EDITION.
Just a girl, trying to find a way to show people who I really am...not who I (accidentally) put myself off as.
I love to laugh. I'm tone-deaf. I love shopping. My favorite compliment is: You smell good. Shoes are my best friend. I am still in love. I spend too much time on Tumblr. I love taking & editing pictures. I am hopelessly addicted to coffee. I enjoy reading. I like tea at night. I love getting tan. Acrylic nails are beautiful. I love fashion. My favorite colors are green, pink, and purple.
My favorite places to shop are: Vanity, Wet Seal, Victoria's Secret, 1318, Forever 21, Aeropostale, Claire's, Maurices, DEB, and anywhere that sells high heeled shoes.
If you want to know more, talk to me! I know it sounds weird, but I already care about you.
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