I am at such a loss these days about why I have been so obsessed with posting Facebook status' and make videos about men. It may have something to do with them talking to me all the time and to be honest, it is driving me insane and giving me more reasons to complain and so-called "man hate".
First of all, let me clarify that I don't hate men at all, I have just been picking up on their schemes lately because I am in college and they are everywhere! I do not want to say anything in a conceited way, because I am the farthest thing from cocky, but every day there is a guy trying to talk to me, asking me for my number, compliment me, blah blah blah. In the midst of it all, I have turned my observation gears on and they have been spinning on full blast.
Not speaking of myself, but let's take your average "pretty girl" and when I say average I mean think of the girl who almost every guy would agree that she is pretty. Not "hot" or "sexy" but not "ugly". Got her in your head? Well, based on the attraction of most guys, alike and not, they might try to develop a relationship or they might test their skills to just get laid. Whatever the reason is, they want her in their life, if only for a few minutes, hours, weeks, months, or years.
There are a few types of guys:
1. The "player"- For this guy, everything is a game (obviously). He doesn't care what's on your mind, what classes you're taking, he doesn't even care what your last name is. This is the kind of guy who will boost his own ego by flirting with you. He will compliment you, but his compliments aren't about you, the compliments are his way of bringing himself up when he sees you smile he's thinking to himself: dang, I'm good. The player isn't looking to commit to anyone, why would he? He's having "fun". The sad part is he really is playing with your emotions and he is loving every second of it. Some guys will go greater lengths than others. A player can be willing to waste weeks at a time on a girl if only to gain the satisfaction of knowing she wants him but he no longer wants her, and usually, it isn't just one girl.
2. The "pig"- This is the guy who only wants physical activity, it doesn't even matter what it is. He may not even tell his friends about it, but he will sure as heck bask in the mental glory of being even a little physical with a pretty girl, being able to look at her and think: I got some of that! Of course, the pig isn't looking for a relationship either, he is looking for more notches in his belt and he won't lose one bit of sleep over it.
3. The "desperate dude"- For a desperate guy, he wants anything he can get! At parties he'll look for a girl to pounce on. This guy waits for the opportunity to be given to him, he doesn't make his own. Even the satisfaction of getting a girls number is just giving him a boost! I would say you can find a lot of these guys prowling on Facebook too. Trying to get numbers, giving his number out, or you know, the guy saying "we should hang out sometime ;)". When he finally gets a chance to hang out with that pretty girl, he is awkward and weak in the stomach. He waits for her to drop hints and invite him to make a move, and when she doesn't, he keeps trying! Any chance he gets, he'll twist or turn her words around and look for an opportunity to try something. The desperate dude is relentless and refuses to take no for an answer, in the end, a girl never wants to talk to him again, and I can guarantee she's telling her friends about him. Awkward.
4. The "good guy"- This guy knows his boundaries. Coming off as a creep on the internet is something well avoided. Granted, they are usually pretty sweet but they are not over bearing. There are plenty of these good guys out there, where they fall short is trying to convince a girl (I especially) that he is that good guy. He very well might be but proving yourself over the internet IS NOT GOING TO WORK. Most of these good guys are incredibly shy and the way they act in person can be very annoying. I get so annoyed with the "good guys" who can't come talk to me, they just stare and wait for me to say hi to them. Being a guy period automatically makes you the approach-er not the approachable, you can't sit their and look cute and expect a girl to come up to you, it's her job to look cute and give you an opportunity to come to her. So good guys, show 'em what you got, otherwise you'll just be frustrated.
5. The "tool"-I have dealt with two guys alike in the last month or so. These guys are the tools. The cocky, annoying, JERKS! For the girls who don't have experience with the tools, you're perfect targets for them. They are the most conceited men you're likely to meet and they will not hesitate to bring you down. These are the guys who will be rude to girls and cheat on their girlfriends (girlfriends who will take them back over and over). If he doesn't get control and quick, he is done! You mean nothing to him. He'll toot his own horn all the time and he'll use you as a trophy. He'll try to get you to say things like "please hang out with me" or "I want to see you" or "you're so good looking". Manipulative. The most sad and frustrating thing about these guys is they will always have a victim, they will always have a girl who is willing to do anything for them and willing to take all flack from them. Sometimes tools will go as far as dating a girl just because she will let him step on her. These are my least favorite guys and I can guarantee they will never settle down. Yes, they are probably right about their looks; they have every reason to be cocky but actually being cocky, is a mistake.
Guys will be rejected over and over on the internet and texting-
taking 2 steps back, but when he swallows his shyness or pride and goes up to a
girl he takes 3 steps forward. I can speak for myself and girls when I say it's a lot easier to give a guy our number when he comes up and says "Hi, I'm _____, you're so pretty, can I have your number?". No matter what you guys think, we are not evil and only a truly stuck up (or taken) girl would reject you. Doing that in person is so much more effective than on the internet. Anyone with a brain stem can understand that saying no over the internet or texting is a hundred times easier than in person. Even if nothing branches from your step of faith, at least now you have a chance to prove yourself. You've already separated yourself from the majority by even going up to her in the first place. Even if she is reluctant to give her your digits, she'll be so complimented by your ability to come over.
Rejection is almost inevitable in some cases, realizing this will give you an immense amount of ammo to keep going. It's sort of like an acting audition, some of the biggest actors and actresses were told "no" by a casting director hundreds of times before landing the role that made them famous. Letting yourself stop going up to girls because you were rejected is a huge mistake.
Another way guys fall short is not noticing the HUGE hints that girls drop even inviting you to come to her. As I said before, it isn't her job to come to you, however it is her job to show you she wants you to come to her, so PAY ATTENTION!
I apologize to guys, I am sorry for seeming like a man hater. I love boys! They are the best to hang out with, but based on the confrontations, the awkward situations, the good situations, the annoying situations, and the Facebook creepers I have started a rage on it. Hopefully I got it all out and hopefully you learned a little something now that you've been in the head of a girl. :)
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