There has to be a reason behind this mess! Why are girls so mean? Why can't high school kids go a day without drama? Well, being a high school senior, I've been thinking a lot on this subject and my evidence traces back to friends I just recently left because of it. Something I should have done a long time ago, but being on the outside looking in, I've learned the real reason things happen.
Insecurity- The girls I used to hang out with were bad! Wherever they went, they had a reason to hate on someone; whether it was their boyfriend, their nose, their clothes, anything! No matter who they were, they felt the need to point out every flaw they could find at first glance. Why did they- or teenage girls in general- do this? Seems pretty irrational and dumb to me, but it's because they are so insecure in themselves they have to re affront someone else just to feel good about themselves. Notice why they don't stop? It isn't literally fulfilling, it just makes them feel good for a second. That's quite obvious, it's been a proven study for a while.
How else can you tell a girl is insecure?
-She wears low cut shirt, with motives to attract attention from a male in order to feel important, pretty, or attractive.
-Constantly wears her heart on her sleeve.
-Lies about her emotions
-Pretends to be something she isn't in order to gain approval from a friend or male.
Jealousy- This is a big one! More than ever, I saw girls act on this emotion for different reasons. A lot of it has to do with unhappiness or discontentment with their own life. I am so blessed because I have a loving family with married parents, I have everything I could ask for, and people who don't have that will try and get me down any chance they got. And it isn't just me, it's anyone who's blessed to have anything another person wishes they had.
I've noticed that girls who are jealous of me, find a reason to make me feel two inches tall. When my ex best friends used to get mad at me for no reason, the reality was they just wish they had what I had.
Example: I say I am going shopping and my friend says "I thought you didn't have money" hmm, why would that matter to her?

Me, personally am the happiest girl alive because I am so blessed. I am not insecure, I don't get jealous and it's all because I have Jesus Christ in my life. He is the only thing that's given me hope. I don't need to make others feel down to make myself feel up, I don't have to get jealous when my boyfriend watches the Victoria's Secret fashion show, and I can laugh at pretty much anything because I am so happy!
I am not saying everything is always perfect- I'd be a liar if I did- but with the hope and assurance that everything will be okay, I can smile no matter what's wrong. I can treat people nicely no matter how my day is going, and I can encourage people when I'm feeling discouraged.
Jesus, above all else is what set me apart from typical teenage girls. I don't feel the need to focus my energy on emotions that will only last for a second. I don't have to wear low cut shirts to feel pretty, I am fearfully and wonderfully made according to God's word, so that's where I get my self esteem, not by making someone else feel horrible.
I don't feel good by bringing someone down. I get my uplifting from giving gifts, listening to people, and doing people favors who are in need.
With Jesus on my side. No one has to suffer for my personal problems.
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