"Jesus bleach. Cleans your deepest sins."
What a distinct picture, eh? Kind of cool how we can use everyday thing and relate it to Jesus. I often do that, and know that when I am a Youth Pastor one day I'll be using things from everyday life to preach with. I believe God has given me the gift of analogy.
I began to think on this matter more and related it to 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 that says
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God- I say this to your shame.
Now, Elora. How on earth does this relate?
Well as I said before, I like to use everyday objects to create a tangible picture of certain biblical points I ponder up in my head. I think of laundry.
But why?
Why should I want to protect my white's from my darks?
Simply this: If darks are washed with whites, it could cause discolor and soon pure, and white clothes can look off-white, blue, brown, etc,.
Let's put my puzzle together. Let's say Jesus washes you clean (bleach) with his amazing grace and love. You're pure and white, hanging with Christian friends that will build you up and not tear you down. Until...you start making little compromises;
>Hanging out with the wrong people.
>Trying drugs/alcohol
>Listening to bad music
On and on about things that can make a person impure; you begin to throw your whites in with the darks and still try to wear it. Your pure spirit, washed with dark colors- people who aren't God's children. You're influenced until sooner or later the stains are too deep. Regular detergent won't do it.
So what's the solution? You much throw yourself in with the whites again and allow Jesus (bleach) to cleanse you. You wouldn't put yourself with darks and add bleach would you?
Now this might seem like kind of a complex thought, but I promise it isn't. When we wash our pure whites with darks, inevitably it's going to rub off on us; leave it's mark, and make it more difficult for Jesus to work within a heart that's dirty. People don't use bleach whenever, for every load, they use it for stains but what does that require? Effort. We must let Jesus do the cleaning with his blood.
Another way we can get our white's dirty is by just the air, wearing out our white's is also an inevitable reason why they get dirty. I find that even when I wash my white's with white's; over time they still lose their pure color because of the air and the wear and tear that can go into just wearing the shirt.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 to be careful that you don't fall. We need to remember that even if our heart is pure the world will still have an effect on our externals.
Bleach has an effect on darks, however. Just like Jesus has an effect on people who don't follow him; if you wash a dark in bleach, it will do something to it, right? Maybe not turn the entire thing white right away but no dark piece of clothing can resist the effect of bleach, just like the darkness of the enemy cannot resist the light of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, Son of God.
Now this might seem like kind of a complex thought, but I promise it isn't. When we wash our pure whites with darks, inevitably it's going to rub off on us; leave it's mark, and make it more difficult for Jesus to work within a heart that's dirty. People don't use bleach whenever, for every load, they use it for stains but what does that require? Effort. We must let Jesus do the cleaning with his blood.
Another way we can get our white's dirty is by just the air, wearing out our white's is also an inevitable reason why they get dirty. I find that even when I wash my white's with white's; over time they still lose their pure color because of the air and the wear and tear that can go into just wearing the shirt.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 to be careful that you don't fall. We need to remember that even if our heart is pure the world will still have an effect on our externals.
Bleach has an effect on darks, however. Just like Jesus has an effect on people who don't follow him; if you wash a dark in bleach, it will do something to it, right? Maybe not turn the entire thing white right away but no dark piece of clothing can resist the effect of bleach, just like the darkness of the enemy cannot resist the light of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, Son of God.
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