The term “live your life to the fullest” was first said in the Bible, and is often mistaken for the definition society has created for it. Originally God said this because he wants us to live life that doesn’t hurt us mentally, physically, or emotionally and that will have good long-term effects; because what is permanent is what matters more than just temporary fun.
Those words are said daily but as time has gone by, lifestyles and habits are different and- like so many other things- the original thought and reason for recommending a fulfilled life is forgotten. And now people think “living it up” means something it doesn’t. The reality was forgotten and people confuse their opinion or society with truth- which, by definition means to be in agreement with reality. Though we ignore it, the truth remains the same.
These days, people think living your life to the fullest means to doing whatever we want, wake up the next morning, and have zero regret regardless of what they did. Drinking, smoking, and sex are all based on how they’re feeling right there, right then. It never goes through their minds as something that may, or may not have long-term effects (whether they are good or bad). They are just living it up, right?
Getting drunk until passing out is not living life to the fullest. It’s ignoring reality, and it becomes bondage because sooner or later, the alcohol controls them or they shut themselves out from world because of drugs, have an STD from sexual intercourse, or are now tied down by the responsibility of a child. They don’t regret it because they can’t do anything about the past, and with that mentality, no one learns from their mistakes.
Pain, as we all know, isn’t freedom. All we want is to be free, right? Well, if we limit ourselves and don’t participate in activities that will one day harm us, then we will be free because we aren’t held down by an ugly habit that would eventually control us.
People settle for less; like drinking or drugs. Those are easy. That doesn’t require school or anything but where are they in ten years later? When they are 40 and they still drink, it’s not so fun anymore because they’re held down by it. They will wake up with regret because they wasted their life, and lived it for things that wouldn’t last. Then they will have regret guaranteed and they will wish they could go back in time.
Drink it up and say the next day PARTY HARD! DON’T REGRET! Or YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! Habits are created out of first desiring to feel pleasure temporarily and that doesn’t get us anywhere helpful or fulfilling later. Sometimes the temporary pleasure is the satisfaction of listening ears the next day when they have a story to tell about a party they went to. This is temporary because no doubt, people will forget.
Fullest, by definition means of the maximum size, amount, extent, or in abundance. Settling for partying isn’t living it up according to this. In fact, it’s the total opposite. Full potential is killed or is harder to achieve when anyone “lives it up”.
Even young teenagers have been controlled by harmful stuff. I have been there myself, and I know that looking over to the opposite side that doing what everyone else is doing is so the farthest thing from living life to the fullest. When people say they’re living life to the “fullest” wonder, if they actually are, or if they are, in reality, settling for less than their true potential has for their future. Don’t live in the now without regret, think about how you’re going to feel looking back on your life 10 years from now. Live for tomorrow, not today.
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