As graduation approaches sooner than later, I've done nothing but think about how my life will mold after I recieve that diploma. I know what I want to do, but I also know that the life I live and the flexing my lungs do at this very moments are not even for me. This life I live, is Jesus'.I am in control of the body He gave me so after high school, my only goal is to futher my knowledge of His word in order to ready myself for the tasks He'll ask me to do.
Of course, at this point the only thing I can think about is paying for school, but I don't care how much debt I go into or how hard I have to work, He will recieve glory, not myself. He will also find a way to bring me through whatever hard ships come to pass.
Jesus is the reason I am this far. My parents, friends, family, and Dillon have helped but He gave them to me. He blessed me with them so that I could carry the call he placed on my life when I was 12 years old.
I think a lot about eternity, it's my entire mind-set, I cannot live about anything other than where I am going after I depart from this earth.
My heart breaks when I hear of others' ambitions and their entire goal is to make money. This breaks my heart because money is temporary. Money fades away, we cannot take it with us in the after life. My life goal is not to make money, it is to lead people to Christ to let them know that when they feel down, there is Someone up there in control. The same God that created the heavens and the earth is crazy about you and I.
The small voice that I have had in High School due to choices I've made is no matter. He has forgiven me and I am going to do all I can do bring people to him.
Not convincing people to join a church.
Not to "convert" or brainwash someone into any belief.
But to show that a relationship with Christ is the best thing you can do because it lasts FOREVER. It will not pass away like money, cars, houses, and expensive things. Why work so hard for anything that won't last? I do not see logic in that one bit. With God every single person has a purpose a purpose that will lead to a place that has nothing negative. The worries of this world have passed away.
When I tell people of my ambitions, they do not understand why I'd want to spend it in a church. Well to answer their question: IT IS NOT ABOUT MONEY.
I am on this earth to serve God and other people.
There is no other reason for me to be here. If it doesn't serve God I should not put time, effort, or money into it. Because it isn't worth it.
I don't do what I do or say what I say because of a "religion" (I hate religion). I am doing what I do, and I annoy people with my love for Christ because He saved my life. Why would I spend it doing anything else but thanking Him? I couldn't think of a better, more rewarding way to spend my life. Money means absolutely nothing. Not just to me, but in general. This isn't about my "belief" it's about what's true. And many people will find out that it isn't worth it to work for something that passes away. I am glad I realized this before I wasted time on worthless activities.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. Matthew 6:19
Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. Joshua 24:14
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