Friday, April 22, 2011

Here we go again!

A friend of mine once said on a Facebook status:
 "Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one and it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around..."

While sitting on the fence, I can turn either way on this matter:

  • On the one side, I think that if someone is that passionate about something, they should be able to "whip it out in public" as much as they please. The people on the opposite end, could just ignore it. It is actually that simple. 

  • In opposition to the first point I made, I do not think that anyone should do that because it often times gives people the wrong message. Let's say, a Christian decides to proclaim their news to the rest, or spend their school day shoving their belief down the throats of everyone they encounter. Not only will that give them a bad reputation for themselves and Jesus but they shut off any hope, making their witness less effective. In the same way, if any religion wants more followers, they have to put what they believe on the highest pedestal-- making it appealing. If you come off as obnoxious, then no one is going to want to believe, what you believe. There is a difference between calling disciples, and converting people to what YOU believe...they need to know how it's beneficial to them.

One final thought: No one is going to want to become someone they dislike. If they find you being annoying about your religion, they are not going to say "gee, I want to be annoying just like them."

Present what you believe in a way that will attract people, not force them to make Facebook status' about you. (Believe me, I know!)  

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