Monday, April 11, 2011


I am deranged by the non stop cruelty that seems to run the lives (and mouths) of my peers. It's almost as if someone of adolescence cannot go a second without hurting someone else's feelings, or finding a reason to point out negativity- even if it is just in their mind- acting as if they are unable to function if they don't keep others down to make themselves feel more important.

Now, I know why they do isn't a mystery that they are insecure with themselves- giving them a reason to hurt others. Believe it or not, though, a lot of what people want to say generally stays in their head...where do you think we get the phrase "don't care what people think" a thought process is much quicker than the movement of lips. The thought process in which you cannot hear, bothers you more than the words. Because the words give you an edge to stand on if a come-back is desired.

The reason people stay mean and never find an alternate plan to finding any way to make themselves feel good is because they never find real fulfillment from it. They will be mean again, because the confidence they so-called "gained" my tearing someone else down only lasts a second and they feel the need to make another comment...or perhaps glare some more. Why do you think that if you aren't phased by their words they get angry? Because the essence of why they chose to hate on you in the first place never came thus making them angry.

At any rate, I am quite sick of it. I hate that I feel I have to watch every move I make in order to avoid criticism of someone across the room or the hallway. 

But what a waste of time, right? People are still going to be jerks...

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