Monday, June 13, 2011

This weekend!

This summer has already been nuts! Here I had thought I would have a kick back summer (which I was looking forward to hating because I seriously needed money), but my thoughts quickly changed when I got a job with Vector and was presented with employment opportunities with Barbizon (the modeling school I trained through). Which was 100% a God thing, I have been praying since I was 15 for a job and now I have 3! :)
From Thursday (June 2nd) through yesterday, I drove 30 minutes to the capital city of my state. THAT'S A LOT OF GAS for a poor person (me). I got jobs so that I could make and save money but all the while I was spending more time and money in my car than anything else.
I was trying to do all I could with Vector, trying to sell knives but I have done 9 appointments and haven't sold a single thing. So, Friday I was feeling discouraged; I had closed my bank so everything I had was in my wallet ($11), I had to put gas in my car which was bone dry my gas light was turning on and I was wondering how I was going to get to the city on Saturday and Sunday for Barbizon. As my gas light beeped at me, I began to feel my eyes start crying, I stopped myself because I couldn't mess up my makeup. I was relaxed and decided to take things on and be strong through things I had no control over.
My boyfriend called me.
He started out by saying he got a job opportunity. But, my smile quickly went away when he told me he'd have to go North for 5 days (I already hadn't seen him for 3). Once, he told me that I replied with "are you serious?" and when he said "yeah", tears wouldn't hold back and I began to bawl!  I couldn't believe he was going to do this, I literally felt abandoned. Anyway, we got off the phone and I parked in my office parking lot- continuing to cry...
I thought about it and decided I really shouldn't be selfish and make him feel bad about taking this great job opportunity. I called back and told him I wanted him to do it. But, I still hoped we could see each other one last time before he left for a week. 
I did a demo and I went to the mall for my Barbizon job (which included standing for 6 hours!) then, much to my very happy heart, I was able to see Dillon! I got to his town as quickly as I could- from undressing in the car, running in my house, to literally running as quickly as I could in and out of the gas station. When I got there he was so excited to see me I was tired but I was also the happiest girl alive! We had an amazing Friday night together and he left Saturday morning.
This weekend was insane! I had to be in town at 8am for my internship, I stayed until 11am and headed to the mall where I stood for 8 hours promoting my modeling school. Sunday I did it all over again, but this time it was only 5 hours.
So here I am, Monday morning. Already worked today. But, I am STAYING HOME! I am so excited to NOT have to drive into town. I can stay in my home and in my town today and (hopefully) tomorrow! 
The only thing that is getting me through is God. Whenever something is frustrating me, I just wonder what is God teaching me today? And I always try spending time in his word, every day! It's so helpful.
As I miss my boyfriend like CRAZZZZZYYYY!! I am determined to make time absolutely zip by.
I am going to keep a smile on my face and hope my labor is worth every second! 

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