Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Tug At My Heart

Lately a very lofty perspective has been aching in my heart. I have been thinking about happiness lately and what defines it. 
Happiness- can be all about temporary current feelings whether you're flashing back to your past, feeling happy (or not) with a decision you made or didn't make. Or you can be happy based on getting what you wanted for lunch, or the amount of sleep you got the night before. 
What I've been stressing about is if someone is happy with their life as they are on their death bed. I realize that not "everyone" lays in bed technically as they die, some just die but what about now?
Looking back at your life, are you..."happy" with what you did?

MONEY and SUCCESS will make you happy on this earth for a little while. But on your death bed, what will bring true comfort? Your bank account balance or a person you've spent your time loving?

When you spend your time pouring your heart and soul into other people, you'll die with a smile on your face. The amount of money you have will NOT because that is such an empty comfort for pain. 
Why do you think you need A LOT of money opposed to ONE person?

I'll leave you with that.

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