Friday, October 14, 2011


Okay, so I have another blog that I use in addition to this one, it's called Tumblr. It's fantastic! I enjoy spending time on it because I believe real people also spend time on it and it is a really good way to express yourself, especially people like me who like to think a lot. I also love photo's and Tumblr is full of them. Not the point. 
A few hours ago a kid posted a picture of an arm with cuts from top to bottom, it was horrific. He lost 20+ followers because of it. I don't understand why, but it inspired this post:

Cutting is a huge deal. I believe that post was powerful; it definitely raised awareness; whether it was a positive or negative reaction is irrelevant. It got me thinking about cutting and how horrible it is.
I don't remember the exact instance when I learned what it meant to "cut yourself" but I do remember reading a story about a girl who would cut her legs because she felt ugly and fat. I didn't quite understand it, and quite frankly I considered it to be pretty stupid. 
As I learned more about it, I realized it is the farthest thing from stupid (except for one part, I'll get to that). Cutting isn't something to mock or ignore, people literally penetrate their skin and draw blood to punish themselves. The pain they feel inside cannot be described with words or actions, just confinement to themselves and in the sadness of that, they feel they have to draw the blood out of their skin.
I personally know a few people who did cut themselves. Notice how I said "did", Jesus set them free from their problems when He handed them self worth- then they stopped cutting. 
One person is very near and dear to me, and this person is a male. He struggled for a while subjecting him to cutting himself. This isn't a laughing matter.
This brings me to what I said I would come back to. The only thing that classifies as "stupid" in the cutting department are people who choose to make a mockery of it. The people who want attention more than oxygen in their lungs who take cutting and reveal it on purpose so that the entire world will feel sorry for them, these people make me sick! Cutting isn't a way for people to get attention, it is a secret way for the broken and hurt to get rid of their pain quietly. Cutting IS NOT a cry for help as so many people have chosen to label it as. The people who say "I cut myself" openly and wear short sleeved shirts all the time...they are mocking those who will wear long sleeved shirts in the summer, those who look at themselves and actually ask why they are still breathing. Yet these people, these people are pretending to be in the pain that real cutters are running away from. 
Mockers should be ASHAMED of themselves. 

Cutters: If you're reading this and know exactly what I am talking about; you won't tell anyone, you won't even admit it to yourself, I am here to tell you that you ARE worth something. Jesus Christ loves you and wants you to know that. If you're so far at the end of your rope that you have resorted to cutting, you have nothing to lose by crying out to the skies and letting your maker hear your pain! Let it all go, in the air, to someone who is listening, not on your arms or legs. The blood is meant to be in the body, if your emotions and pain are scared to emerge any other way, scare them out of your inner being and take the last chance you have to be better off. THERE IS HOPE.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Wonderful, perceptive blogpost Elora. You have really communicated what so many people don't understand about this unfortunate act of self-harming. There is also another layer of reasoning behind cutting, which is that sometimes the pain from life, physical and/or sexual abuse, etc. that by cutting, the cutter actually distracts themselves from feeling their emotional pain. Thank you for reminding everyone that they are worthy and have someone to listen and to love them unconditionally!


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