Saturday, October 22, 2011

Such Joy!

I have been overwhelmed with joy within myself! God has granted me the positive side of every aspect of my situation. I honestly feel incredibly good about everything and it is a total God thing! I think watching my show helped too, but every time I think about everything that is happening I want to smile! It is just unbelievable  the amount of joy that my Jesus has given me.
I am so young! Right now I am kind of stuck because I don't really have any friends and I haven't had a good time in a while, but I have so much ahead of me! I can't wait to start having a lot of fun and working toward my career. I am hoping my life will be kicked into full throttle soon and I'll start living every single day to it's fullest. Give it all to God, be myself, learn, grow, and have a freaking good time!
 Be happy, young man, while you are
and let your heart give you joy in the
days of your youth.
Follow the ways of your heart 
and whatever your eyes see,
but know that for all these things
God will bring you judgement.
So then, banish anxiety from your heart 
and case off the troubles of your body,
for youth and vigor are meaningless.
Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 
I just feel like my life will be something I can wake up loving and go to bed loving because I am going to be living for Jesus, following my dreams, and having a blast. I have no desire to do anything stupid; drugs, alcohol, all that jazz. I can have fun, make friends, and go to sleep with a smile on my face without having to be ashamed to talk to God about my downfalls. Of course, I will always mess up, but I am tired of making stupid choices! As a human, I am going to sin regardless but I will no longer premeditate a choice, know I shouldn't do it, but do it anyway. I am so tired of that Elora! 
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17
I am a new creation! I am so ready to live in this new spiritual body. I have so many wishes and dreams, I have an image of myself and my future that I never want to lose. A pure, loving, incredibly vision. There is a man out there that has everything I want and need, there are adorable children that I am going to birth who are going to love Jesus from the beginning and be parented by two Christian parents.

No more alcohol.
No more aggression.
No more CURSES!

The time is now, God has said I am FREE from the chains and I can finally live my life the way I have always wanted to. NO one can stop me because I won't be hurting anyone! Praise JESUS!

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