Saturday, January 14, 2012

No "right" to Brag

As I continue in my walk with God, the fact of not being able to relate to the world is becoming more prevalent in my current mind set. I have found that not only can I not relate to the world, but the people in it cannot relate to me. This often causes a conflict to emerge when a Christian is unable to show their lack of understanding toward the actions of a non-believer in a loving way, because the person who doesn't live for Jesus feels judged. 
Do not team up with unbelievers. How can righteous be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil?
2 Corinthians 6:14-15a (NLT)
This verse is typical in the sermons of preachers who speak about marriage. The rest of the verse speaks of partnerships. I believe this totally relates to marriage, I can think of half a dozen reasons why marrying someone who doesn't also believe would cause crazy problems. However, being a college student, living on campus I find this verse applicable to me as well. 

I have met some of the most amazing people here at my school, girls whom I absolutely love to hang out with! Some are believers and some are not, the Bible is not going to command that we have nothing to do with unbelievers because the entire purpose of a Christian's existence is to bring others to Christ, we are also called to LOVE everyone (even our enemies). 

This blog is dedicated to something my Spirit has revealed in me. As I have said before, I spend quite a bit of time alone. I have also said that I do not have a problem with it; I have Christ on my side and He is always with me, I never feel what the world would call "lonely". From an unbelievers stand point, I am miserable! They put themselves in my shoes and think "that must suck" what they don't know, is that I am the farthest thing from lonely. 
I am social, very social. I can carry a conversation as long as the other person is meeting me half way and if you get me started on something, I'll talk until your ears fall off. I am always looking for a good time as well, but I don't wallow in self pity when the only person hanging out with me is Jesus. There is the first example.

The second example is the worlds idea of college. I have yet to meet someone who has the same motivation as I being here at NIC. I am not saying there isn't someone on campus who is here to get core classes out of the way to go to a Liberal Arts University to pursue a ministries degree like myself, but I have yet to meet them. Other people here believe that college is all about partying and studying. They go hand in hand in a secular world; some even put partying ahead of studying. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS! Why? I do not understand this because I am not of the world. My belief system and my Jesus teaches me to do everything for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31) therefore, I am here at community college for one purpose: To fulfill my calling, an unbeliever doesn't understand why I am going through the struggles of a college student for Jesus when I could be living a much "easier" life for myself.

Now, I love every person that I come in contact with (another thing unbelievers don't understand, but I won't go into that) but there is a part of all of this that can really grind my gears. I fully understand the significance of how the world views a believer; we need to pursue a likeness of Christ so that others can see it. However, it becomes a huge problem for me when people make fun of me behind my back about my unwillingness to so-called "have fun." For example: Friday night, everyone is out partying while I sit in my dorm by myself watching movies. Someone or a group of people might be rude to me and try to rub in my face that I am not partying. 

This is the most important part: YOU CANNOT BRAG ABOUT SOMEONE THAT THE OTHER PERSON DOES NOT WANT. Does that make sense? Say you have sushi, I hate sushi. Tried it and I think it is gross. If you love sushi, you're eating it, and you say to me: "HAHA! I have sushi and you don't" am I really going to care? You don't have a bragging right against someone who doesn't believe what you have is worth bragging about. So, if someone is out partying and they want to rub in my face that they have people to hang out with and can spend Friday night out doing stuff, I am not going to care because I don't enjoy partying, getting drunk, high, or whatever else.

I could very easily get hooked up with a party on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night. I absolutely have connections, so needless to say (after that sentence) I choose to spend time alone on Friday nights if my Church girls aren't doing something or if my friends don't need a designated driver. I am 100% willing to be a designated driver, but I do not go out looking for a party to attend just to get drunk. Other people do it, good for them, I do not.

This concept has been peeving me. Because I have discernment, I can feel and see the looks on people's face when they look at me and wonder why I am always alone. They do not realize or understand that even when I am walking alone, that Jesus is right there too. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put! I am so proud of you Elora and your commitment to be your best authentic self!


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