Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Am Peeved to Announce...

Wow, it has been a long time since I've blogged! Not that I have a reason or excuse, but I definitely miss it and will hopefully continue to do it. 

Today's post is about something I recently discovered about myself. Not that I didn't know about it before, it has just been more vivid to me lately and I thought I'd talk about it.

Ever since I learned the obvious difference between the truth and lies, I think I have been drawn to the truth. When I was little, I'd get called ugly by the guys in my grade. It progressed, but in all of that I was convinced that because people were so mean to my face, that they didn't have much to say behind my back, right? Well, whether that was the case or not, a mentality was instilled in me and I subconsciously acted on the fact that I was fully aware of people's opinion of me, since it was blunt and rude.

Now it is no mystery that no matter what someone thinks I just want them to say it to me! I don't like mysteries. I feel way more pain when I hear what someone said behind my back than if someone were to come up to me and say it. And yes, if someone says "she isn't that pretty" behind my back, I would want them to come up to me and say "you're not that pretty".  I am all about people being straight up with me. I'm not the kind of person who will say I like people to say things to my face and then get mad. 

Don't get me wrong, I am fully aware that the truth isn't always beautiful or easy to handle, but I get over things so easily! I can guarantee that I will be more angry for longer if I am lied to. If I am told the truth, I think about it, accept it, and move on. That process is in vain and has to start totally over if I am lied to.

Another thing that bothers me is when people don't keep their word. I will go to extreme lengths to keep my word and I do not think it is too much to expect everyone to do that too. I personally thinks it's a no brainer, but some people think they can say whatever they want and not worry about remembering to keep their word. Even if I don't want to do something, I do it anyway because I said would! I like my word to be a steady one because I have trusted in flimsy promises before and I hate being let down so I take the golden rule and use it literally; I want people to trust my word, so I make it trustworthy.

Often times, these peeves make me come off as a naggy person who is trying to pry the truth from someone, well the truth is, I am trying to get the truth out but because I want the person to know that I am not going to get mad! I try so hard to show that. When I ask a question and someone hesitates to tell me the truth, I persist until it gets out of them and I say "okay". I don't say "wow" or "whatever".
I do when they say they are going do something and they don't. Yes, that is when I am going to cop and attitude and get really mad. If someone says they are going to hang out with me, and they don't I get mad because they didn't keep their word, not because I want to be a "hog" or whatever other reason someone might have. From a guy's perspective, a girl who says, "well, you said you were going to hang out with me" isn't me being jealous it's me making sure his word is kept!

Another example: I asked a friend if she wanted to go to a party at 12 on Saturday. She didn't text back, that made me mad. When I asked her in person, she said she just wanted to sleep. I wouldn't have got mad if she texted me saying: I'd rather just sleep in.


Just tell this girl the truth. I promise I can handle it; because I prefer it.

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