First of all, I want to state that I believe with all my heart that everyone has total control over their mind and actions, whether they take control or not is the question. With that said, I have taken control over myself and channeled that control into an accomplishment of achieving what I really want.
For those who want to know, I hope this informs you.
In October my relationship with the love of my life ended after 14 wonderful months together. I'd explain the circumstances but that isn't what this is about!
Anyways, since we broke up I decided that I was done with dating. The heartbreak was too much and I realized the pain ahead is easily avoided. If I just waiting for my Prince Charming (the man I am going to marry) then I won't have to put up with anymore heartbreak and tears. There is no reason for me to be messing around with relationships right now. I am not in middle school when it's cute to have a "boyfriend" for 3 weeks. I am approaching adulthood and I think the next guy I date should be the one I marry. I don't really care if others don't agree.
I am not looking for a boyfriend anytime soon and I really mean it, by the way, I am not the kind of girl to say that I am done with boys and then a week later have a boyfriend. No, I am honestly 100% not dating right now

So this is where I stand with guys (in general). For some reason, after the break up, my standards have reached a record high (having nothing to do with my ex) I have raised my standards to a literally, in-reachable level. This is a defense mechanism mostly. I am sick and tired of guys looking at me like a piece of meat and talking to me like they want something from me. Texting me saying: "let's have some fun" or "send me some sexy pics ;)" is NOT gonna fly! As of right now, I would love to be asked out on a date. A casual dinner where the guy pays, is a gentleman, has a 50/50 conversation with me, and honestly tries to get to know me- whether the asking was based on attraction or whatever- with zero intentions of doing anything but hugging me at the end of the night. Now, you might be thinking: that is never gonna happen! EXACTLY THE POINT! It won't happen. So my standards stay there and I am not being used for anything.
Do not get me wrong, I love guys. I enjoy hanging out with them, heck, my best friend is a guy (my ex coincidentally). Hugs are wonderful, smiles are great, and I love a guy I can just talk to, it isn't like I don't like talking to guys!
To the guys:
That is where I am, I am also a hard headed kind of girl so there is literally nothing you can do to "convince" me otherwise, I am happy with my decision. If you're looking for a girlfriend, you're barking up the wrong tree, but by all means, let's hang out! Dress a little nice, get some food, go see a movie, whatever, but other than that...I am not interested and I seriously mean it. Don't try and manipulate me, don't try to sweet talk me into it. I am not saying I am not available for attention purposes and I am definitely NOT suggesting a challenge.
I am a chill girl; not dramatic and lots of fun! Dates are lots of fun, let's be old fashioned and just have a good time, if you're man enough!
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