I had debated on letting everything personal in my life be exposed to prove my point and if I made this a general topic it would be the last blog I post because my fingers would probably fall off, so this is part 1. Since I have been a Christian for 13 years now, I have been in countless debates, arguments, and discussions about Jesus and Christianity. I have been ridiculed and judged for my beliefs and I know beyond any doubts that it isn't over and I am prepared to deal with that until I die or Jesus comes back.
I know that this issue will never stop but my hope is at least my peers will read this and when I eventually get this on YouTube that my audience will grow and this will get out.
Now, with that long introduction, I'd like to start.
There are a lot of people in this world who wouldn't consider themselves a Christian and are perfectly okay with that. There are people who consider themselves Christians but aren't, and then there are people who actually put every effort into being totally Christ-like on a daily basis. I am here to talk about the people who wouldn't consider themselves a Christian under any circumstances; people who honestly think Jesus & God are "make believe" like the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy.
As a Christian, I have been called judgmental countless times, or even the generalization of a Christian often causes people to lock up or put their guard up against judgement. I am not about to say that there are not judgmental Christians; because there are many of them....
Ugh, maybe I'll get to my point eventually. I'm trying to ease into it and it isn't working. So bluntly, here's my point:
Now that I have made my point in a very non-professional way, I'd like to elaborate.
My past is not clean. I have done many, many things associated with the secular world that would be labeled as sinful and something that Jesus wouldn't approve of. It would be foolish of me to cop-out of accountability just by saying "everyone falls short..." no, there is no justification for the choices I made. I deliberately sinned and it isn't okay. Also, there have been harsh rumors spread about me. Falsified truths have been spit across from peer to peer in my high school days; like I apparently smoked weed, got drunk, and had sex with 2 guys in one night. Now, that did NOT happen. I've been at low points in my life, but none as low as that. But that's what people were saying; I was cursed, I was laughed at, gossiped about, and judged by people who aren't even Christians.
It is so irritating for a non Christian to tell me what I should and should not be doing. It is so far beyond me I can barely type it right now.
An example:
I posted a status that said: "The next time a guy whistles at me, I am going to chop off his man business and strangle him with it."
A non Christian decided to say: "That isn't very Christian like."
Are you understanding my point here?
I am willing to bet that Christians get judged by non Christians far more than Christians judge non Christians.
Recently I was hit with a rumor that I had sex on a kitchen table at a party by a person who hates Christians...ironic, right? (Also someone who I do not know)
Well, the moral is the first of all, I didn't do that. In fact, I giggled when I read that comment because it is far beyond ridiculous but second of all, why would someone who not only hates Christians but would consider Jesus 'make believe' think he has any room to talk as far as my actions go. See how he was judging me?
So yes, the world contradicts itself. It wants to complain and ridicule Christians for "judging them" yet that is all they do to us! When Christians (not all) come across as judgmental, they are usually reaching out an encouragement to stop those actions because in reality people are hurting themselves.
Someone who drinks a lot...
Christian says: "Drinking isn't good, etc." Meaning, you're hurting yourself; so you should stop.
Non-Christian says: "That Christian girl drank at that party..." which is judging!
Now, I don't want anyone to think I am typing this blog justifying my actions or any other Christians sins because we do deserve accountability when we screw up, however, it is not a non Christian's job to make sure we know we messed up.
Non Believers: If you're going to go ahead and use the term "Only God can judge me" and get mad when a Christian so-called "judges" you. Then stop being a hypocrite and know that only God can judge Christians TOO.
Just as a confession, I have been drunk before. It is against my belief system, I regret it, and I know I have sinned but that is nobody's business but my own and God's. Literally, only God can judge me, so shut up and let him! I don't get how people can let themselves frown upon the actions of Christians when they can't even discipline themselves enough to actually BE a Christian.
I feel like I haven't made a solid point.
Basically, I might have messed up but it isn't your job to judge me. It is MY life. If you don't love and live for Jesus then let me profess to love and live for Jesus, screw up, and go to hell. It isn't your job to be rude to me, to judge me, and to look down on me because I did something foolish, sinful, or wrong. I will willingly take accountability from other believers, and I will willingly allow myself to be judged by God (not that He needs my permission) but unless you fit into one of those categories, then take a look at my actions, but shrug 'em off.
..or maybe I'll start judging you and shoving Christian beliefs down YOUR throat.
..or maybe I'll start judging you and shoving Christian beliefs down YOUR throat.
End of Part 1
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