What I have come to realize is that wishing things doesn't make a difference, we can wish all we want that we were young again but in reality, we will never be young again. The best way to over come something you're not enjoying is just to push through, and enjoy it. We have so much control over our emotions and perspective, it's ridiculous, and yet people act like obstacles, Facebook, family, friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, etc actually have control over that stuff when they don't.
The control within our grasp is more than we realize, we just need to take hold of it and aim it in the right direction.
So with this discussion having happened, I am motivated more than ever to have a proud smile on my face no matter what, to charge the mountain, and know that when it's all overcome that the reward is so much greater than the so-called "luxury" of just sitting on the couch doing nothing.
I am hoping that this motivation will not only stick, but turn into action.
I only have one life to live and I don't want to constantly be looking back wishing I did things differently.
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