Friday, December 2, 2011

My Best Guy Friend

Since I got back from Thanksgiving break I have thought of many different things I would have liked to blog about and I haven't actually sat down to type any of them but this subject felt as if it needed to be top priority:
My Best Guy Friend, his name is Dillon Profit. 
Now, if you have read my previous posts or know anything about me you know that he is my ex boyfriend whom I dated for over a year. He has always been my best friend but he continues to be, even after we decided to break up. Fancy huh?

I am typing this not to talk about him as my boyfriend; or rant and rave about how "he's the one" or anything weird like that, because who "the one" is, I have no clue! This is about him as a person, with no other label than an honest-to-goodness best friend!
Most, if not, everyone thinks and would assume that a girl and guy cannot possibly keep a friendship going after dating; especially after dating for that long. 
Credit goes to two people:
God and Dillon. 
God has made this possible because without Him, I would be a wreck! Attached, clingy, annoying, and all the other emotional junk that can turn an ex girlfriend into a monster; generally pushing an ex boyfriend away. This is why many friendships after a break up fail, but with God I have been able to see the bright side; not only that, but when I feel a dumb emotion because of Dillon such as jealousy, or anger (things I would feel as a girlfriend) I bring them to God instead of Dillon so that Dillon doesn't have to deal with it and get sick of me. 

The other part of credentials goes to Dillon himself, because I would swear on my very life that he is literally unlike any guy you will EVER meet. Trust me, he knows I think this! 
The fact that he is willing to deal with my bull crap as a PERSON, not his girlfriend, is saying a lot! He is so selfless, understanding, and kind. We are able to talk about anything and the comfort we feel around each other is unfathomable. We got each other through our own break up! When I'd start crying at night just days after breaking up, he was the one I called.

He is also so protective! I went to a college party last week and asked him if he would keep his phone near by in case I needed him and he gladly said "of course!" He also told me that if a guy ever made me feel uncomfortable to call him right away or tell them that he is my boyfriend. Isn't that amazing?

Anyway, I don't want to put off the wrong vibe by continuing but honestly, we're still in love. 

Dillon Profit is the most amazing guy I've ever met and I am so glad that he is still in my life. 

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